
This blog was designed as a place for me to story all of my writings, regardless of the topic.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What Happened Today.

(Written Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 7:07pm)

I'm a senior at Highland Park High School, and here is my account of the events that transpired at the school today. At around 12:22 PM, all high school students were brought to the auditorium for an assembly about the new security systems installed in our school. The systems are comprised of cameras, magnetic locks on all doors, alarms that sound if the doors are opened, and other 'necessary precautions.'

I asked a question about what was being done to protect the kids INSIDE the school from people INSIDE the school. He told me that they have the buttons that open the doors in case of emergency, and that they would be used for that. There was discussion about what would happen if someone had a gun in the school and what would happen, a lockdown.

After the assembly, (about 1:00), all high school students were taken out to the football field to sit on the bleachers and watch the football game. At around 2:40 (normal dismissal time), students got up and proceeded to head towards the back of the school, in order to get their belongings and exit through the school. Before students could enter the cafeteria, they were being turned back by several students and faculty, telling them it was 'for their safety' and that 'it was serious.'

I went back towards the bleachers, all the while listening in to the paranoia and hysteria, and admittedly, contributing to it myself. There was a rumor spreading about someone being in the building with a gun, about someone shooting inside the school, but nothing was really known at the time. The faculty continued to push students back towards the bleachers, while the football game continued to play. Police vehicles and officers started entering the back parking lot from fifth avenue, the presence of police officers was steadily increasing.

Having not eaten since 9 AM that morning due to the faculty's poor foresight on scheduling shorter classes and an 'event', I was hungry and tired. I've been going to Highland Park High School for five years now (middle school for 2 years, high school for 3 years so far), and I know the layout of the building and the property well. Myself and two others decided to head home early by exiting towards the back of the football field, through a fence, and onto fourth avenue. While walking home, I noticed a police vehicle blocking off a side entrance to the school on 4th avenue.

After checking the news at home, my friend and I went back to the school to retrieve his vehicle, which he had left there in our hurry to leave. On the way back, we walked pass the middle school (connected to the high school), where parents where waiting across the street and in their cars. There were 5 police cars in the area in front of the high school entrance, and a 6th police car in front of the public library across the street.

I met up with a few of my friends, who informed me the high schoolers had been let go through an exit on fourth avenue, that the middle school was in lock down, and that there were also several high schoolers and staff that were locked down in the high school as well. They had not been told anything by the police, and they had heard the same rumor as I had (that someone had a gun in the school.)

The mayor soon arrived, and began talking with parents and the police. Reporters and photographers arrived, asking questions and taking down information. My friends and I were in contact with people who were inside the school at the time, via cellular telephone. The people inside the school did not have any idea of what was going on at the time. Eventually, the students were released, and no information as to the WHY or WHAT had happened.

Any questions?

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