
This blog was designed as a place for me to story all of my writings, regardless of the topic.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Study Hall

(Written Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 6:56pm for the Highland Fling)

One of the more irritating of changes in recent years was the replacement of Free Periods with Study Halls. Study Halls are just another way for the administration to control every movement and act of the students, and just another way to eliminate any illusion of choice or freedom. Gone are the days of signing out for a forty-five minute nap in your car, and gone are the days of talking with friends in the lunchroom. Welcome to the days where you are kept in one room, with nothing to do and restricted from even the most basic of privileges.

Students are not allowed to put their heads down, sleep, listen to music or anything else that might result in a little bit of relaxation. Who benefits from preventing students to listen to a little music while they sit? If it helps them to concentrate, and perhaps even do a little work, where is the problem? If it doesn't bother anyone, and it's not causing a disruption, where is the harm? I ask again, who benefits?
If I may, I'd like to talk a little about what I've accomplished this year in Study Hall. I reached a high score of 10867 in Jetman, which I'm proud to say is the highest in the Highland Park High School network. I've read over twenty-five graphic novels that I received for Christmas, and I wrote five freestyles. As you can clearly see, I've accomplished much in the time given to me.

I'm sure there are some of you out there who actually spend their Study Hall time doing work. That's great, but I'm sure that, given the opportunity, you would do that same work during a free period. But I digress, the chances of this article or anything anyone says actually affecting policy are about equal to any one of you beating my Jetman score. Slim to none.

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